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Body Purifier

Body Purifier

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Solutions4 BODY PURIFIER is part of a complete Detoxification Program. This is a program that temporarily replaces a normal diet of solid food, utilizing liquid food and cleansing supplements to detoxify the body systems. The role of BODY PURIFIER in this process is to help remove toxins from the body. This supplement may also be used as an individual supplement to strengthen the immune system in times that it may be compromised. • Remove congestion • Remove mucus • Remove environmental chemicals • Remove harmful food additives • Purify the bloodstream • Cleanse the lymphatic system • Fight bacteria, virus, yeast, mold, and worms • Restore new energy to the entire body • Destroy parasites in the digestive system Ingredients: RED CLOVER BLOSSOM— Blood purifier, Heals wounds and ulcers, treats spasmodic bronchial troubles and whooping cough, treats cancer because of its effects on protein assimilation. DANDELION ROOT— Improves the function of the liver, as it has the capacity to clear obstructions while stimulating the liver to detoxify poisons. Clears spleen obstructions, pancreas, gallbladder and kidneys.ECHINACEA— The most effective blood and lymphatic cleanser in the botanical kingdom. A valuable alternative to all antibiotics when used properly. OREGON GRAPE ROOT— Stimulates the secretion of bile and thus aids in digestion and blood purification. Useful in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema, acne, and herpes. QUASSIA— Tones up a run-down system. Will expel worms. May destroy the appetite for strong drink. SARSAPARILLA— Treats gout, rheumatism, colds, fever, ringworm, and skin eruptions. Expels gas from stomach and intestines. GINGER ROOT— Eliminates and counteracts the formation of mucus. Relieves gas and severe pains in the bowels. Destroys parasites in the digestive system. Increases energy. Stimulates circulation. BURDOCK ROOT AND SEED— A valuable purifier. Used in this capacity for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, sciatica, and lumbago. Promotes kidney function, helps clear blood of harmful acids. YELLOW DOCK ROOT— Treats diseases of the blood and chronic skin ailments, stimulates digestion, improves function of stomach and liver, stimulates elimination, improves flow of bile, laxative. High in iron, nourishes the spleen and liver. Treats jaundice, lymphatic problems, and skin eruptions.  (90 ct)